Saturday, 21 March 2009

Butwal - the last few days

Hi, sorry been meaning to update the blog but the electric has been off everytime I have tried. The electric supply shifts through out Butwal where one side of the street will have power and the other will not ( and generally the side with power loses internet connection). I have not been getting too bothereed but I hope people have not been worrying too much about me (as if). It interesting here as if the power is not on at 12 then it 4pm then it 8pm etc so when you do get it you appreicate it but I have been enjoying reading/listening to music by candle light.

Ok the last few days have been pretty much the same format of getting up at 5.30am breakfast and head west by 6.15am. The drive takes around 1 to 1 half hours to get to the differnent sites and is amazing to just look out the window and see the Western Tarai Lowlands early in the morning. These lowlands are pretty flat and the road very straight and rough in places with forest areas and open plains. The sites we are working are mixed areas some close to the road some out in untouched beauty.

The vulture conservation work has started very well with the first 3 days all going to really good. The work is hot hard work but rewarding. We have a good system in place where me and Richard Cuthbert will be working in the tree and Tulsi and Anand (from Bird Conservation Nepal who have been brillant) helping with things on the ground and have been guiding me around Nepal and educating in the wildlife. With the work I have got better at spotting the ants nest in the tree (they are a few large leaves knitted together the size of a melon and hang down like laterns full of orange ants, they are not poisonous but do have a nasty bite and I have a few more bites from today to add to my collection). These nests have made the climbing trickier as I have to come up with ways to pass by the nest without knocking them. The main trees we have been working in is off medium/large Saj and Sal trees (rough barked decidous similar to a southern beech tree). Yesterday was some of the trickiest work to date and had to climb a large Saj tree (35metres) with the nest on a limb sticking out of the top of the main crown at a 45 degree angle. I had to use a mixture of tree, rock and aid climbing to get to the nest which was out in space. This whole process took a hour and a bit and was made interesting by a few gusts of wind but still ensured my safety. Then we had a long lunch and the work after lunch drew a crowd of around 70 people. Luckily all went very well and was a great testing day. Today has been one of those days which have not been so good with thunderstorms and logistical problems made us cut the work short. I have had a resting afternoon drink tea (Very strong, milky sweet tea with cinnomon or other spices that i now have a taste for). The plan for the next few days are to head back to Saurama for a few days via some sites then possibly head north.

I have loads of great photos and will try publising them when I have a better internet connection.

To finish the food we have every evening is really good and is patiently made over a few hours by the very friendly people of the GreenLand hotel in a busy back street in Butal. We have been eating Dall Bhaat Tarkaarii which is lentel curry, rice and veg curry. It is slightly different every night with different lentel used and is very tasty, for most nepalise this is there stable diet and its very good. Plus it is refilled until you are full. The people I am working with are great, very laid back and passionate about this work. To sum up this trip is just the biggest adventure I have been on and I still have 3 and half weeks left!

PS Mum Happy Birthday, Mothers Day!
PPS There were a few data issues with my last post that i will correct
PPPS James TSU pop around my mams to pick up the Petzl Pantin
PPPPS I hope everyone is sticking to the rota!!


  1. i was trying not to worry... its so good to hear about your adventures and to know your safe and happy. Everyone's asking after you back home, we're all so proud of you. xxxnelly

  2. Hey sounds like its going well, just make sure you dont bring any of those ants back with you!

  3. hello darling, glad you are ok and thanks for the Mum's Day and birthday wishes. Dad and I just back from Ellas party, it was good and she had a wondeful time

    loads of love xx
